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Real estate passionately 

Tivoli 48 - Strasbourg (67) - BIK Architecture

Tivoli 48 - Strasbourg


Spirit Business Cluster Carré 92 - Gennevilliers (92) - Copromotion Spirit Entreprises / AG Real Estate - SEMAG 92 - Anne Carcelen Architecture, Land'Act

Spirit Business Cluster Carré 92 - Gennevilliers

Let's co-construct
the world of tomorrow 

Ensemble immobilier à usage mixte - Nanterre (92)

Mixed-use building - Nanterre

Spirit, a family-owned and independent group with more than 30 years of experience, stands as a real-estate leader in France. Historically based in the Paris region, the Group is also present in Alsace, Rhône-Alpes, PACA and Bretagne – Pays de la Loire. Spirit is a global player, working in residential and corporate development, investment and asset management, and managed property. The Group is developing new business activities to meet the real estate needs of tomorrow in terms of  renewable energy, co-working and real estate crowdfunding.

Developing virtuous solutions


Spirit, a dynamic company
A passionate urban developer, Jean-Claude Bertojo founded Spirit in 1988 with the aim of actively contributing to the development of cities. Working with his teams, he built the family-owned and independent Spirit Group, now a national leader in real estate.


Long-term growth
Value creation and financial vision have always been part of the performance and reliability model that the Group shares with its clients and partners. With its solid financial base and a strategy combining growth and investment, Spirit is able to conduct schemes and play the role of end investor.

Parc Spirit du Couternois - Serris
Sequencia - Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon

Driving the real estate of tomorrow

We observe and analyse the world of real estate with an expert eye to prepare in advance for new behaviour and propose innovative and sustainable solutions. We pay particular attention to the needs of our stakeholders, be they individuals, companies, investors or locally elected representatives, and review all our projects from an economic, ecological, aesthetic, practical and responsible perspective. By doing so, we take a proactive approach to imagining and designing the cities of tomorrow with a view to making a better future for the generations to come.

€305 m

business turnover

€200 m




€500 m

assets under management


housing units reserved in 2023


business parks in Île-de-France


turnkey buildings

Our real estate solutions

Creative synergies

The Group and its business lines are committed to creating pleasant and healthy living spaces consistent with the aspirations of their users. The subsidiaries feed off each other and benefit from the wealth of their expertise and research, as well as their progress on innovation, sustainability and regional development.

Residential property

Spirit Immobilier

Spirit Immobilier, the Group’s long-standing business segment, has developed cross-disciplinary expertise in all residential development activities and operates at all levels of housing, including collective housing, intermediate housing, and residences. The subsidiary is present in the major French cities of Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Nice, Nantes and Strasbourg.




Corporate Property

Spirit Entreprises

Spirit Entreprises builds and restructures business parks, industrial buildings and office buildings on behalf of companies and investors. As the leader in business parks in France, the subsidiary is developing a new generation of parks that are more environmentally friendly and meet the needs of both large companies and SMEs.




Investment and asset management

Spirit REIM

Spirit REIM, a strategic entity of the Group, invests in corporate, residential and mixed-use property transactions. Our subsidiary Spirit REIM Services manages portfolios of diversified assets comprising corporate and residential buildings.





Managed real estate

Spirit Hospitality

Spirit Hospitality designs serviced residences for students, seniors, business tourism and coliving. This subsidiary complements Spirit’s traditional residential, corporate and investment property businesses to respond to new urban paradigms by placing greater emphasis on services, enabling investors to make a sustainable and prosperous acquisition.




Renewable energy

Spirit Energies

Spirit has created a renewable energy business line, Spirit Energies, to contribute to the environmental transition. Spirit Energies works alongside the Group’s business lines to develop operations that meet the challenges of sustainable development. Our short-term objective is to equip 100% of our corporate real estate roofs with photovoltaic plants.


Project management


BPCC, a trusted right-hand man for project owners, has supported the Group’s businesses for nearly 30 years, from the design phase through to delivery, in residential, corporate and managed property operations.




Real estate crowdfunding


Upstone is a participatory financing platform that allows anyone to invest in real estate projects starting from €100 as part of a simple, intuitive and fully digital approach. Thanks to Upstone, the Spirit Group is contributing to the emergence of a new real estate financing economy.


Coworking spaces


ToDay is a network of coworking spaces and shared catering facilities developed by Spirit at its business parks. After an initial site at the Parc Spirit du Canal de l’Ourcq business park in Noisy-le-Sec, ToDay is set to expand throughout the Île-de-France region with the aim of providing all professionals in the region with welcoming, professional and inspiring work venues.




News, documentation
and press room